Latex Glue Machine for universal use
Main customer : Table Calendar maker , Labeling on products, Wood plate ( not over 1 cm. thickness )
Description: Machine for single size gluing on paper , plastic , wood
- Coating glue on material , slim coating and evenly
Can be use with many kinds of glue like latex, PVA, PVB ,rice glue
- Roller speed can be adjusted , higher speed of roller save quantities of glue
- The paper thickness can be adjust easily by two knobs , ( from 80 gm of paper to 1 cm. of wood )
- The machine is well designed and widely use. Most of customer can use it than 5 year. Machine body is stainless steel , the whole body is unique , easy to operate and wash after using.
- DC motor running , no noisy , no vibration ( no wearing of parts ) less maintenance.
Model available :460 mm, 600 mm, 700 mm. and 1000 mm Price are about 32000 to 58000 Baht.
Contact : 061-6384333
Line : 0851885407